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In this message, we explore the unique supremacy and unparalleled nature of God as described in Scripture, emphasizing His singular authority and the futility of idols. Join us as we dive into the profound implications of worshipping the one true God and how this foundational truth shapes our faith and daily lives.
In the anticipation of Jesus' promised return, we navigate a delicate balance between living with the wisdom of readiness and potentially slipping into complacency. As we remain in this "stay tuned" period, the call to prepare ourselves spiritually resonates, urging us to stay vigilant and steadfast in our faith.
Join us as we explore the urgency embedded in Jesus' command to make disciples and teach obedience, as this message challenges us to contemplate whether we view it as a compelling directive or merely an optional choice – prompting us to reflect on the true essence of discipleship and proactive engagement in spreading the teachings of Christ.
This week, we begin a new sermon and study series entitled, “Eyes of Faith: Viewing Life Biblically.” Let’s start by asking “What is your worldview?” Maybe you haven’t a clue as to what a worldview is and how it differs from a biblical worldview. Well then, you’ll want to join us as we dive into the Scriptures and see if how we view the things of the world, how we speak, how we act, how we determine our decisions are biblical— or not.
There are many things in this world that are clamoring for our attention. But the truth remains in the real issue— how we live our lives for Jesus. The Bible remains the believers’ guide, the place where we can find the real answer to real issues that we face each and every day so that we can be doers of the word and not only those who have heard or believed the lies the devil tries to get us to believe.
Living the Christian life as a follower of Jesus is not any ordinary life. We are called to a higher standard. We are called out to be separate from the world to be peculiar people. Different in a good way to shine our lights so brightly to season the world with salt so that they can taste the difference of life being in union with Christ. Join us this week as we come together to discover what it means to live a higher standard.
There are many in this world that are trying to fill the God-sized hole in their lives with everything else. They are trying to find true freedom. As followers of Jesus Christ, we know that True Freedom is found in Him, being united with Him, joining Him in His work in the world. Join us this weekend as we talk about what it means to Finding True Freedom.
Do you know what most people are doing during these uncertain times? They are making home improvements. While we are all making improvements in our living environments, the Lord draws us to make spiritual improvements. Come let us enter into worship and see the transforming work of God in our lives as we surrender to His plan.
We are studying what it means to L.E.A.P. toward God’s plan and purpose for our lives and as a church. This week, we top it off by maintaining focus on what God longs to do in us and through us.
Jesus reminds us in a parable that we must build our house, our faith, our life upon the solid rock and not shifting sand. Today we are reminded and encouraged about Jesus is the Rock!
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |