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Life is a sacred gift from God, uniquely crafted and cherished by Him. Every person, from birth to life's final breath, plays an irreplaceable role in His perfect plan. Both men and women are vital to the fulfillment of His divine purpose.
Believers are known by many beautiful names: the Body of Christ, Friends of God, His Workmanship—all expressions of God’s purpose and love for us. Yet, there’s one word that captures the heart of our community: The Church. It’s a sanctuary for those seeking healing and a place to gather in life’s joy, sharing in celebration with one another.
We’re called to be Disciples making disciples and that means following in the footsteps of Jesus. But what if we’re not sure how Jesus would handle certain situations? We just have to turn to His word to find out how to go through these circumstances with the love and grace of God.
Sanctification might sound like a big, theological word, but at its heart, it simply means being made holy or set apart. As believers, we're called to navigate the challenges of life by growing in holiness each day. The beautiful part is that we don’t do this alone—it’s through the strength of Christ that we’re able to be sanctified daily, overcoming and enduring whatever comes our way.
Sanctity of Life Sunday. It’s a day of reflection and advocacy, emphasizes the profound value of human life. As the cornerstone of this observance, the poignant words echo: "The Bible teaches us that in His eyes all innocent human life is to be protected.”
Do you talk to God? Or Do you talk with God? Prayer is conversing with God in words, thoughts, and gestures. It marks a life with God, where we continually pay attention to God’s presence in this world and in us. Prayer builds a relationship with God as we respond to His self-giving love and mercy and to His commitment to lead us into truth.
As we navigate the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to lose sight of the profound truth—the Lord is coming! The Bible reminds us to be prepared at any moment. Are you ready to welcome His presence? Let's embark on this journey of anticipation together.
As we conclude our Sermon and Study Series, "Eyes of Faith: Viewing Life Biblically," our focus shifts to the practical application of living out our faith. Join us in exploring the fundamental question: How do we live our lives biblically? Through God's guidance, leaning on His wisdom, and aligning with His Word, we will delve into the transformative journey of keeping in step with His Spirit as we navigate and address the world's issues through a biblical lens.
We continue in our series on Eyes of Faith: Viewing Life BIblically and focus on the sanctity of life. God wants us to choose life and right before us, we have seen the effects of war on innocent lives lost. May God restore peace and remind us that all lives are valued in His sight.
Celebrating a New Beginning is a joyful and transformative experience, akin to embarking on a fresh journey with Jesus. It's an opportunity to leave behind the past and embrace a spiritual rebirth filled with hope, faith, and the promise of a brighter future.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |