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In a world filled with deceptive labels and pronouns, we'll discover the profound truth that in Christ, we are granted a singular, unshakable identity - one that is found in Him alone. Being a Christian is not about losing who we are, but about unveiling our true selves, and it all unfolds within the embrace of Jesus. Don't miss this transformative message that reminds us, in Him, we become our most authentic selves.
We continue in our series on Eyes of Faith: Viewing Life BIblically and focus on the sanctity of life. God wants us to choose life and right before us, we have seen the effects of war on innocent lives lost. May God restore peace and remind us that all lives are valued in His sight.
This week, we welcome the Crossroads Youth Group to share in their Mission22 experiences. The week focused on two aspects of mission work. The first part of the week was Getting Closer. They were prompted about their walk with God and how close were they to the Lord in order to love others authentically. During his time on earth, Jesus did some pretty amazing things. And we could recount all the miracles and the teachings and yet, Jesus did one thing that we could easily miss. Jesus got alone with God the Father through prayer. He got closer.
We end our series on Understanding Spiritual Gifts this Sunday as we gather together to celebrate Holy Communion. Through this series, we’ve discovered that our spiritual gifts are given by God, used for His glory, and each one of us has a different one to build up the Body of Christ. Now that we know that, what are we going to do about it? Each one of us has a passion, something that burns inside of us to do, a heart to change our world. That fire is connected to the use of our gifts for the glory of God.
We must meet together with other Christians. The church helps each of us to grow up into a mature Christian. Together we grow in works of service, encouragement, unity of faith, and love. Encouraging each other and taking down the fences between us helps us survive through love and good deeds that light up in a dark and desperate world.
Scripture is clear, we are to love one another in the Body of Christ. And although the Spirit dwells in us, love still needs to be perfected. To be like love from brother to brother and sister to sister— love as family. Love from the Father through the Son that is activated in our lives overflows into our speech and deeds. Join us this week in worship as we discover the Only Jesus— Brother and His love in the family of God.
You may be familiar with the good old hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” but what does having Jesus as our friend mean? Is he really our buddy? Jesus as our friend means he is close to us, we are united. It is a very personal thing for Jesus to be that close to us. Jesus even said that we were no longer servants, but friends because we know him. How close do you know Jesus?
What are your thoughts about suffering? We tend to stay away from it, we try to remove ourselves from it, yet it is through trials and suffering that we still can have the mindset of an opportunity to bring the Gospel— maybe to someone who is suffering more than us. No, no one likes suffering but as Jesus taught us, there will be trials in this world, but He has overcome the world.
As we enter the book of Philippians, we need to start with a solid foundation. Every book of the Bible is put there to help and assist us to know God more intimately through His Son Jesus Christ and to encourage us to stand firm in the faith. Philippians is no different. This letter written by Paul to the Church of Philippi is a friendship letter. He knows them intimately and therefore knows what they are going through as an early church, believers following Jesus. Take this journey with us as we walk through Philippians and learn what it means to partner with Christ.
This week, we are traveling about 2 miles east of Jerusalem to the small village of Bethany. There are about a dozen references found in the Scriptures of this town. It was the home of Simon the leper, it is the place where Mary anoints the feet of Jesus. It is where preparations start for Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. But most of all it is probably best known for being the hometown of Jesus' good friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. And, we too can look at Jesus as our friend.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |