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This week, we discuss what it means to Think About These Things. The world races from one holiday to the next and we get caught up in the race when we ought to be slowing down and ponder the story once again so that it renews us to celebrate the meaning of Christmas. How do we do that? In this sermon, we discuss just how Mary, the mother of Jesus thought about he call into God’s plan.
There are physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of being thankful to God and others. We are called as followers of Christ to encourage one another until the Day of Lord happens. Gratitude is one of those ways we can lift each other up.
We’re in the month of giving thanks to God for His faithfulness. We can learn to be thankful. We can know we ought to be thankful but it is in the expression of gratitude that we build one another up and give honor to God for the gifts given to each person.
They say practice makes perfect. I’m not sure we’ll be perfect until we are in the presence of God, but as Christians we are called to practice righteousness in our walk of faith. This means learning what it means to give thanks and how to be thankful. Join us as we step into learning mode and walk as Jesus walked with a thankful heart.
Navigating the narrow road requires us to be in-tune with God to know when to move and where to move toward. That’s where discernment comes in the life of a believer. This week, we continue in our sermon series on LAND. We will learn what it means to Discern Movement. This is knowing where God is moving and joining Him in His plan and purpose. It means keeping our eyes and ears tuned to His Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to be at work helping us discern the decisions we have to make in this world.
September 2024
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |