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Answer this question: “On what does your heart dwell?” Is it family and friends? Career or vocation? How about home and cars? Join us this week as we dive into the profound truth that our hearts gravitate towards what we treasure most, uncovering the path to aligning our desires with what God desires. Maybe it’s time for a heart alignment.
At some point, we all feel unqualified and ill-equipped to tell someone else about what Christ has done for us. We may think we don’t have the right words to say or can’t do what God is calling us to do. Well, that’s good because then we aren’t relying on our own strength, but on the Holy Spirit to work in and through our words and actions. God equips those who are called. Since He has called you to Himself, He is the one who will help you through.
Our God is not only a pursuing God, he is a sending God. Jesus’ great commission is for his people to go and do likewise. To go and seek those who are lost and share their witness, their testimony of who Jesus is and what he has done in and through our lives. God calls us to be part of the rescue mission, the search party, the body of Christ to love those who are lost.
God has a purpose for you— and this purpose is unique to you and unlike anyone else’s. Once you understand the uniqueness of you, it will put you well on the way to pursuing the purpose for which you were created. The Apostle Paul encourages the early church to press on toward the goal of the upward call. Are you chasing after your God-given dream? Let us pursue everything God has for each one of us
There are two emotions or thoughts we could have as we move into Pilate's Judgment Hall. We can either search for the truth about Jesus the Christ or fear what will happen. Earth's kings and rulers joined forces to destroy the Lord's Anointed, the Messiah. The nations raged against Him and people plotted in vain against Him. And yet, full authority was given to Him. Such a plan God had in mind from the beginning of the world to ransom souls through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. Truth always overcomes fear.
As believers, we are called to make most of our time. How are you doing on that directive? Our time might seem like it is ours to spend and do as we think we ought, but in fact, each moment of every single day is given to us by God. We ought to strive to make our days glorify the Lord in all we do and say.
Sometimes life seems that way even when the sun is shining. Where do you turn when the world seems cold and dark? Scripture reminds us that We can look up! We can turn to the promises of God in His word. That is what we will be discussing this week as we come to worship as the Body of Christ.
This week we take a few steps into a New Year and trust God with everything that might lie ahead in it. God is always doing a new thing in our hearts, minds, and lives when we surrender them over to His plan and purpose. Join us this week as we discover “All Things New” and how God longs for us to join Him in this New Year.
This week, we will learn to pray with anticipation. I am sure you get excited knowing something is about to happen or someone is about to visit. How do you prepare for their arrival? Prayer is one way we can prepare our hearts and minds this season to experience Christ anew.
This week, we discuss what it means to Think About These Things. The world races from one holiday to the next and we get caught up in the race when we ought to be slowing down and ponder the story once again so that it renews us to celebrate the meaning of Christmas. How do we do that? In this sermon, we discuss just how Mary, the mother of Jesus thought about he call into God’s plan.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |