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Our God is not only a pursuing God, he is a sending God. Jesus’ great commission is for his people to go and do likewise. To go and seek those who are lost and share their witness, their testimony of who Jesus is and what he has done in and through our lives. God calls us to be part of the rescue mission, the search party, the body of Christ to love those who are lost.
How many of you want God to do something new in your life? *Raise your hand* Scripture reminds us that it takes faith, a small amount, a mustard size faith for the new to come, to change, but we must be willing to change. Making a fresh start begins by allowing God to do His will and way in and through us to make all things new. When we hold onto what we’ve always done, where we’ve always gone it doesn’t take faith. In fact we then are stuck in a rut. Let this Fresh Start Sunday become truly a fresh start walking with God, talking with God and allowing His to do some amazing new things through our faith in what He can and will do.
As we have journeyed these last weeks through discovering our dream and keeping focused on the things God has planned for us to do, you may have found that your role has changed, your desires have changed, and your assignments from God have changed. They have moved from your desires to what God desires for you. But there is one thing God fully desires is that we all finish well. Getting to the last lap of a race is not the same thing as completing it! The Bible has a lot to say about perseverance in order to cross the finish line.
Often times we ask God, “How Long, O Lord.” And He is asking us to remain patient for His time, for His will to be done. We do not know how long, but we do know the One in whose hands we can place our today, tomorrow, and future. Join us for worship.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |