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We begin a new Sermon Series and Study focusing on Understanding the Spiritual Gifts. Did you know you have a gift given to you by the Holy Spirit? If you are a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, you have a spiritual gift to share with the Body of Christ to build it up in the world. That is how worthy you are to God that He has given something for you to do within the kingdom to help others see the abundant life now.
Put your Sunday groove on because we are coming together as a Church to worship, praise, and thank God for all He has done and will do through you and me in this new season. Have you ever seen those commercials where people press a reset button? We aren’t resetting things, we are moving forward with a Fresh Start, a new step in our walk with God and one another. Be sure to join us this Sunday as we see new faces, make friends, and take that fresh step in your spiritual journey. We have a ton of opportunities to make connections, learn more about God, and serve in our community!
Whether you have noticed it or not, we are in the middle of the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They mark the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement. It is during this time that one reflects on their relationship with God and their relationships with one another leading up to the holiest of days where the sacrifice for sins would take place with the High Priest walking into the Holy of Holies with the blood from the sacrifice to forgive the sins of the people. Christianity has a rich history that points toward fulfillment through the coming of Christ. We hope you will join us as we Honor Our Heritage.
Pastor Steve has talked about walking around eyes wide open in past sermons and maybe you’ve been wondering what he meant when he said that. Well, this weekend we get to come together and explore what it means when we don’t look around for opportunities to share Christ, to be Christ, to reflect the love of Christ out in our community. It means we lose an opportunity that God has presented to us to be the light in the dark. Join us as we come to worship, share Holy Communion, and be equipped to go out and not miss another opportunity.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |