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There is no greater way to get to know God, His character, His Nature, His goodness, and the life He has for you than reading His Living Word. And yet most people don’t do it. We have access to God’s Word and yet either don’t take time to do it or when we try, we don’t really understand it. That’’s why we’re taking time to get to the basics, the basics of getting closer to God through His Word.
Embrace the profound difference between the world's clamor to "be who you want to be" and God's resounding declaration that "you are Mine, a chosen, holy people." Who we are centers around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ—our ultimate gift of redemption. As we come together to celebrate Holy Communion, let us remember that God calls us His own, and it's in this divine truth that we find our purpose and identity.
Peter and John meet a man along the way as they were heading to temple. The only thing that they could give him was the name of Jesus Christ and told him to stand up and walk. The man was healed and we know this story, but what happens next? Peter tells of the goodness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the crowds. Peter and John were committed to share the good news of Jesus as they went out.
Our biggest fights actually begin inside our heads, where our thoughts wrestle and our beliefs clash. So, just like Colossians 3 mentions, we need to regularly refresh and reshape our thinking to better equip ourselves for the challenges we face in life.
There are many things in this world that are clamoring for our attention. But the truth remains in the real issue— how we live our lives for Jesus. The Bible remains the believers’ guide, the place where we can find the real answer to real issues that we face each and every day so that we can be doers of the word and not only those who have heard or believed the lies the devil tries to get us to believe.
Are you a fan or follower of Jesus? Fans like that He came down, spent some time and gave us some morally right tools to use to live this life. That’s all well and good, but it doesn’t match up to who Jesus truly is— the anointed One, the Savior of the world, the Overcomer, God incarnate. Now, if you’re a follower, you’ve given up all of who you are to step in the steps of Christ— His life loving others, His death to sin, and His resurrection of the body. As we celebrate Holy Communion this weekend, let us remember that Jesus, God incarnate came in human form so that He could suffer, die and rise again so that as disciples, as followers of Him, we too may recognize the cost and follow wholeheartedly.
On the night in which He was betrayed, Jesus did not assemble an army to fight against those who were seeking to kill Him. He sat with HIs disciples and showed them exactly how He was going to forgive, to show mercy. May be someone has betrayed you in the past. How did you handle it? Jesus showed us to handle it with compassion. It’s not easy, however in the strength of Jesus Christ forgiveness does come.
Our God is not only a pursuing God, he is a sending God. Jesus’ great commission is for his people to go and do likewise. To go and seek those who are lost and share their witness, their testimony of who Jesus is and what he has done in and through our lives. God calls us to be part of the rescue mission, the search party, the body of Christ to love those who are lost.
We begin a new series in this new year. It’s entitled, “The One.” This first we we think and talk about ourselves being the one who Jesus sees. Before we become passionate about sharing Christ with others, we have to become secure in the fact that He first loved us. We have to personalize His promises and to a heartfelt understanding that we are God’s dearly loved children.
As the hymn testifies, “To God be the glory great things He has done.” The greatest act of God besides creation is sending Jesus Christ to redeem the world from the slavery of sin and death. Through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God is to be glorified and worshipped. He is the only one who deserves our praise and adoration.
September 2024
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |