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The Cross, symbolizing sacrifice and redemption, finds its ultimate meaning through the resurrection of Jesus, signifying victory over death and the promise of new life. In embracing the transformative power of Christ's resurrection, believers are called to leave behind the burdens of sin and emerge into a renewed existence, filled with hope, forgiveness, and the abundant grace of God.
Have you ever been to a retreat or a training program where they had you do the trust fall? The trust fall is where you trust that when you fall backward the people behind you will catch you. It is hard to put ourselves completely into the hands of others, no matter what the situation is or who the people are. We like to be in control. But the Christian faith is fundamentally based on our reliance on another, Jesus, for our fiuture and our entire lives and our salvation.
The word love is most associated with romantic feelings, but what has to be remembered in the season of Lent when we focus on Jesus is that we are talking about agape love— sacrificial love that gives completely for another, a love that never lets go or changes. Lent becomes a time when as we draw closer to Christ and closer to one another in a love that lasts forever.
The journey to Jesus takes us through a journey to the cross. Laying down our all to pick up and be transformed into the likeness of Christ— His character, His love, His forgiveness, His joy.
Are you a fan or follower of Jesus? Fans like that He came down, spent some time and gave us some morally right tools to use to live this life. That’s all well and good, but it doesn’t match up to who Jesus truly is— the anointed One, the Savior of the world, the Overcomer, God incarnate. Now, if you’re a follower, you’ve given up all of who you are to step in the steps of Christ— His life loving others, His death to sin, and His resurrection of the body. As we celebrate Holy Communion this weekend, let us remember that Jesus, God incarnate came in human form so that He could suffer, die and rise again so that as disciples, as followers of Him, we too may recognize the cost and follow wholeheartedly.
We come to celebrate and commemorate the greatest victory in history - the resurrection of our Savior! Let's gather together to lift our spirits in fellowship, share uplifting stories, and sing joyful hymns that remind us of the hope and renewal that come with the message of Yes, He is Risen! Bring your friends and family, and let's rejoice in the triumph of Jesus Christ!
No matter what kind of suffering you face, there is life-giving hope that springs forth from our merciful God. In his loyal love and faithfulness, God comes alongside us in our suffering in order to strengthen our faith, purify our lives, and heal our hearts by centering us on Christ and the good news of the gospel.
There was an urgency in Jesus’ statement, “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” Why? Because He calls us out into the dark world to bring the light of His life, death, and resurrection so that all may know the salvation of the Lord through no other means than Jesus Christ. Let us have the same eagerness to sit down with the Ones in our lives that need to know the Lord’s suffering in order for them to have a relationship with God.
Each and every day brings us closer to the return of Jesus Christ. Today, we celebrate in remembrance His birth in the fullness of time. When the exact time God-ordained, He came in order to set the captives free from sin. That is why we can throughout this season have joy, peace, and hope for Jesus came and is nearer than we realize. He is coming! Soon and very soon. We invite you to join us as we celebrate His coming and His return.
As we continue with our Places of the Passion Sermon Series, we find ourselves at Golgotha (the place of the skull) or we may know it as Calvary (Latin meaning skull). The cross is never easy. It is repulsive and ugly. A symbol of the worst kind of torture, injustice, and brutality. And yet it is the central symbol of our faith. Join us as we venture to the cross and find there faith and love intersecting and announcing triumph.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |