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Often in life, we find ourselves overwhelmed by the daily struggles and challenges, unable to see the bigger picture—much like not being able to see the forest through the trees. However, this message will remind us of the profound truth that when we place our trust in God, He has a divine plan for each of us. Be uplifted as we explore how to find and embrace God's purpose and plan for our lives. Let this be a time of renewal and reassurance in His unfailing love and divine wisdom.
As believers and followers of Jesus Christ, our passion for serving the Lord should ignite our every action. It's not just about fleeting emotions; it's about a steadfast dedication to recognizing that every moment, every task, is an opportunity to honor Him. In this message, we will learn how to keep the flame burning bright so that it infuses our daily lives with purpose and devotion to our faith.
In biblical days, an armor-bearer was one who actually carried the shield and armor of his leader as he went into battle, often acting as his personal assistant. The term itself originally meant to figuratively or literally lift up, support, or simply help. The basic attitude of a Modern Day Armor-Bearer is one of servanthood. We are called to lift each other up, to support one another, to encourage, equip, and strengthen each other for the fight of faith. Therefore, it's no surprise the general functions of an armor-bearer: attend to, minister to, care for, help, be of use, assist, benefit, promote, support, make easy for, nourish and encourage are found in the formal definition of "serve”. We all need an armor-bearer as we walk the Christian walk.
We end our series on Understanding Spiritual Gifts this Sunday as we gather together to celebrate Holy Communion. Through this series, we’ve discovered that our spiritual gifts are given by God, used for His glory, and each one of us has a different one to build up the Body of Christ. Now that we know that, what are we going to do about it? Each one of us has a passion, something that burns inside of us to do, a heart to change our world. That fire is connected to the use of our gifts for the glory of God.
In order to continue using our gifts, being effective in this world for the glory of God we must be plugged into Christ. It bears repeating, no one can do anything without being plugged into the source of all things, especially when using and perfecting the spiritual gifts God has given you. Scripture reminds us, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me [plug into me], you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5, emphasis mine). So, how do we remain plugged in for life? Well, glad you asked. Listen in on the Sermon today.
We continue with our Understanding Spiritual Gifts Sermon and Study Series. Who gives us these gifts anyway? And, what are they to be used for? These are the two questions that we will explore together this weekend as we come together and worship and share in Holy Communion together. Our gifts are not meant to be unused, unopened, unappreciated. Our gifts are given by God to be used for the Body of Christ, His Church so that we might glorify Him.
We begin a new Sermon Series and Study focusing on Understanding the Spiritual Gifts. Did you know you have a gift given to you by the Holy Spirit? If you are a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, you have a spiritual gift to share with the Body of Christ to build it up in the world. That is how worthy you are to God that He has given something for you to do within the kingdom to help others see the abundant life now.
December 2024
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |