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We've all heard that when we seek the kingdom, everything else falls into place—and that sounds great. But are we truly focused on the kingdom? God promises that when we seek Him wholeheartedly, we will find Him, and our calling is to devote our undivided attention to God and His kingdom.
Answer this question: “On what does your heart dwell?” Is it family and friends? Career or vocation? How about home and cars? Join us this week as we dive into the profound truth that our hearts gravitate towards what we treasure most, uncovering the path to aligning our desires with what God desires. Maybe it’s time for a heart alignment.
As we conclude our Sermon and Study Series, "Eyes of Faith: Viewing Life Biblically," our focus shifts to the practical application of living out our faith. Join us in exploring the fundamental question: How do we live our lives biblically? Through God's guidance, leaning on His wisdom, and aligning with His Word, we will delve into the transformative journey of keeping in step with His Spirit as we navigate and address the world's issues through a biblical lens.
In a world filled with deceptive labels and pronouns, we'll discover the profound truth that in Christ, we are granted a singular, unshakable identity - one that is found in Him alone. Being a Christian is not about losing who we are, but about unveiling our true selves, and it all unfolds within the embrace of Jesus. Don't miss this transformative message that reminds us, in Him, we become our most authentic selves.
Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10). Therefore, we must conclude that those who are lost, those who have yet to believe in Jesus, and those who are living according to the flesh are of value to God. If they are valued by Him, we must also recognize their worth and love them as Christ loved them. Maybe you’ve tried to love those who are far from God. That’s great! Guess what God calls us to remember their worth and continue to love them through Christ-like action.
We begin a new series in this new year. It’s entitled, “The One.” This first we we think and talk about ourselves being the one who Jesus sees. Before we become passionate about sharing Christ with others, we have to become secure in the fact that He first loved us. We have to personalize His promises and to a heartfelt understanding that we are God’s dearly loved children.
It’s essential that our prayers be controlled by the word of God. When our prayer life is soaked in the word of God not only are our prayers renewed and fresh, our mind is renewed as well. And when our minds are renewed by the word of God our lives are renewed by the Spirit of God.
So much of what we do is empty without the love of Jesus fueling our actions. Throughout his life on earth, Jesus consistently showed compassion to others. That’s because Jesus is real and He invites us to follow his pattern of consistency in ways we live out our love for the people God puts in our paths. Jesus’ example invites us to make love and service part of our everyday life.
This week, we welcome the Crossroads Youth Group to share in their Mission22 experiences. The week focused on two aspects of mission work. The first part of the week was Getting Closer. They were prompted about their walk with God and how close were they to the Lord in order to love others authentically. During his time on earth, Jesus did some pretty amazing things. And we could recount all the miracles and the teachings and yet, Jesus did one thing that we could easily miss. Jesus got alone with God the Father through prayer. He got closer.
Belief in the power of positive thinking is not the same thing as an inner wisdom and unwavering confidence in Christ. It doesn’t come from believing in ourselves. True optimism, true belief is in getting our minds right on the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. It comes from biblical convictions about the nature of God and knowing that He loves us and has an exciting plan tailored for just us. Getting our mind right is part of being able to recognize that God is working in and through us to accomplish His purpose.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |