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Our biggest fights actually begin inside our heads, where our thoughts wrestle and our beliefs clash. So, just like Colossians 3 mentions, we need to regularly refresh and reshape our thinking to better equip ourselves for the challenges we face in life.
There are many things in this world that are clamoring for our attention. But the truth remains in the real issue— how we live our lives for Jesus. The Bible remains the believers’ guide, the place where we can find the real answer to real issues that we face each and every day so that we can be doers of the word and not only those who have heard or believed the lies the devil tries to get us to believe.
God has a purpose for you— and this purpose is unique to you and unlike anyone else’s. Once you understand the uniqueness of you, it will put you well on the way to pursuing the purpose for which you were created. The Apostle Paul encourages the early church to press on toward the goal of the upward call. Are you chasing after your God-given dream? Let us pursue everything God has for each one of us
So, there’s a dream God has given you or maybe a dream that has been rekindled by last week’s Sermon and Study. Now what? Our next step is to focus on the one main thing in life that will keep us moving forward to obtain it. It sounds simple! Yet, in reality, it rarely comes easily. The push and pull of everyday life make take away some of the excitement we once had. But that’s why we must learn to Remain Focused. Fix our eyes on Jesus and the promise God has given to get us through.
Moving forward is sometimes a bit difficult especially when you’re not sure where to go. That’s when we need to dream God-sized dreams, to “Seize Tomorrow, Today!” As a follower of Jesus, you are called to look ahead and move forward in power, passion, and purpose. The good thing is, God always knows where you are going, and He has promised to never abandon you on your journey.
We end our series on Understanding Spiritual Gifts this Sunday as we gather together to celebrate Holy Communion. Through this series, we’ve discovered that our spiritual gifts are given by God, used for His glory, and each one of us has a different one to build up the Body of Christ. Now that we know that, what are we going to do about it? Each one of us has a passion, something that burns inside of us to do, a heart to change our world. That fire is connected to the use of our gifts for the glory of God.
It’s hard to believe we are at the end of the first month in the new year. Have you been listening for God during this time? Have you heard Him speak to the one thing He wants you to do for Him this year? Maybe you have heard something or had a thought about what to do and yet you asked God, Why me? Why now? That’s exactly what we’ll be discussing this weekend during worship. We might know what God's answer is already— Why not you! Why not now! Imagine the people you know or that know you, there is no better person to speak to them about the love of Christ than you!
On the Church calendar we move from the birth of Christ to the ministry of Christ at lighting speed. Well, this week we will look at the new direction God took them as a Holy Family and it just might spur us into asking God what is the one thing He would like us to do in 2021 as a church and as followers of Christ. Join us as we come together to worship and celebrate Holy Communion as the Body of Christ.
Navigating the narrow road requires us to be in-tune with God to know when to move and where to move toward. That’s where discernment comes in the life of a believer. This week, we continue in our sermon series on LAND. We will learn what it means to Discern Movement. This is knowing where God is moving and joining Him in His plan and purpose. It means keeping our eyes and ears tuned to His Word and allowing the Holy Spirit to be at work helping us discern the decisions we have to make in this world.
December 2024
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |