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Our God is not only a pursuing God, he is a sending God. Jesus’ great commission is for his people to go and do likewise. To go and seek those who are lost and share their witness, their testimony of who Jesus is and what he has done in and through our lives. God calls us to be part of the rescue mission, the search party, the body of Christ to love those who are lost.
Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10). Therefore, we must conclude that those who are lost, those who have yet to believe in Jesus, and those who are living according to the flesh are of value to God. If they are valued by Him, we must also recognize their worth and love them as Christ loved them. Maybe you’ve tried to love those who are far from God. That’s great! Guess what God calls us to remember their worth and continue to love them through Christ-like action.
We begin a new series in this new year. It’s entitled, “The One.” This first we we think and talk about ourselves being the one who Jesus sees. Before we become passionate about sharing Christ with others, we have to become secure in the fact that He first loved us. We have to personalize His promises and to a heartfelt understanding that we are God’s dearly loved children.
What a journey those Magi from ancient days must have had following the star that led them to Jesus the King of kings and Lord of lords. Have you thought about your journey with Christ? Maybe you’ve sat on the sidelines hoping for something to happen. Or maybe you’re afraid of what will happen if you go all-in for Jesus. Whatever the case let Him take control of your life, let Him have the steering wheel and one thing for sure, your life will be an adventure.
A committed relationship with Jesus means we will trust him completely. We must obediently follow his commands. We must live our lives seeking to learn more about him and becoming more and more like him. 1 John says it best: “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” As we move into a new year we must ask ourselves will we build our faith, our lives, our families upon the shifting sand or upon the rock of Christ and God's Word?
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |