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There is no greater way to get to know God, His character, His Nature, His goodness, and the life He has for you than reading His Living Word. And yet most people don’t do it. We have access to God’s Word and yet either don’t take time to do it or when we try, we don’t really understand it. That’’s why we’re taking time to get to the basics, the basics of getting closer to God through His Word.
The word love is most associated with romantic feelings, but what has to be remembered in the season of Lent when we focus on Jesus is that we are talking about agape love— sacrificial love that gives completely for another, a love that never lets go or changes. Lent becomes a time when as we draw closer to Christ and closer to one another in a love that lasts forever.
As we navigate the hustle and bustle of life, it's easy to lose sight of the profound truth—the Lord is coming! The Bible reminds us to be prepared at any moment. Are you ready to welcome His presence? Let's embark on this journey of anticipation together.
Let me ask you a question; What motivated God to send His Son to go to the cross to redeem us? (insert Jeopardy theme song here!) It was out of His great love for us that God sent His Son. God’s love when coupled with positive action shows how the redemptive love of the Father also is compassionate love for His children. We begin our series in Lent “God’s Love is Shown” by touching base on what is redemptive love and how we as Christians can show compassionate love toward others. We have been saved to love as He loved.
Whether you have noticed it or not, we are in the middle of the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They mark the Jewish New Year and the Day of Atonement. It is during this time that one reflects on their relationship with God and their relationships with one another leading up to the holiest of days where the sacrifice for sins would take place with the High Priest walking into the Holy of Holies with the blood from the sacrifice to forgive the sins of the people. Christianity has a rich history that points toward fulfillment through the coming of Christ. We hope you will join us as we Honor Our Heritage.
Living the Christian life as a follower of Jesus is not any ordinary life. We are called to a higher standard. We are called out to be separate from the world to be peculiar people. Different in a good way to shine our lights so brightly to season the world with salt so that they can taste the difference of life being in union with Christ. Join us this week as we come together to discover what it means to live a higher standard.
We find ourselves in the Garden of Gethsemane this week. The prayers Jesus prayed give us insight into His nature, His heart, and His mission on earth. The prayers of Jesus also inform and encourage us in our own prayer lives. In today's message, we dive into the topic of cultivating prayer. Far more important than where, when, and in what position to pray is the fact that Jesus prayed and so should we.
On the Church calendar we move from the birth of Christ to the ministry of Christ at lighting speed. Well, this week we will look at the new direction God took them as a Holy Family and it just might spur us into asking God what is the one thing He would like us to do in 2021 as a church and as followers of Christ. Join us as we come together to worship and celebrate Holy Communion as the Body of Christ.
This week we take a few steps into a New Year and trust God with everything that might lie ahead in it. God is always doing a new thing in our hearts, minds, and lives when we surrender them over to His plan and purpose. Join us this week as we discover “All Things New” and how God longs for us to join Him in this New Year.
There are physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits of being thankful to God and others. We are called as followers of Christ to encourage one another until the Day of Lord happens. Gratitude is one of those ways we can lift each other up.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |