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There are five Women in the lineage of Jesus who played significant roles as mothers in the story of redemption in the Bible. Each of them had a unique story that demonstrates God's grace and faithfulness, and their inclusion in Jesus' lineage underscores the idea that God can use anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances, to accomplish His purposes.
Jesus came to seek and save those who are lost (Luke 19:10). Therefore, we must conclude that those who are lost, those who have yet to believe in Jesus, and those who are living according to the flesh are of value to God. If they are valued by Him, we must also recognize their worth and love them as Christ loved them. Maybe you’ve tried to love those who are far from God. That’s great! Guess what God calls us to remember their worth and continue to love them through Christ-like action.
So, there’s a dream God has given you or maybe a dream that has been rekindled by last week’s Sermon and Study. Now what? Our next step is to focus on the one main thing in life that will keep us moving forward to obtain it. It sounds simple! Yet, in reality, it rarely comes easily. The push and pull of everyday life make take away some of the excitement we once had. But that’s why we must learn to Remain Focused. Fix our eyes on Jesus and the promise God has given to get us through.
Moving forward is sometimes a bit difficult especially when you’re not sure where to go. That’s when we need to dream God-sized dreams, to “Seize Tomorrow, Today!” As a follower of Jesus, you are called to look ahead and move forward in power, passion, and purpose. The good thing is, God always knows where you are going, and He has promised to never abandon you on your journey.
As we continue with our Places of the Passion Sermon Series, we find ourselves at Golgotha (the place of the skull) or we may know it as Calvary (Latin meaning skull). The cross is never easy. It is repulsive and ugly. A symbol of the worst kind of torture, injustice, and brutality. And yet it is the central symbol of our faith. Join us as we venture to the cross and find there faith and love intersecting and announcing triumph.
On the Church calendar we move from the birth of Christ to the ministry of Christ at lighting speed. Well, this week we will look at the new direction God took them as a Holy Family and it just might spur us into asking God what is the one thing He would like us to do in 2021 as a church and as followers of Christ. Join us as we come together to worship and celebrate Holy Communion as the Body of Christ.
We continue this week with our new sermon series: L.A.N.D. and things we might have to look at in our lives to join God in HIs plans and purpose for us. This week, we look at what it means to Navigate and not just to fix our eyes somewhere but how to effectively Navigate the Narrow Road. Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13-14). There are things we can do to navigate in this world with godly perspective.
When God speaks, He will often call us out of where we are into something new He longs to do to show His glory. It might require us to make some adjustments in our lives in order to follow the plan and purpose of God. In our second week, we will discover what it means to Make Adjustments.
There is no sitting on the fence, there is a choice to be made in each one of our lives whether or not we are willing to follow Christ and move forward or not. Scripture tells us that we cannot be lukewarm Christians. God would rather have us either hot or cold, but not sitting on the fence in our faith.
This week we confront being transformed not just informed. The stories of the Bible are great but they are meant to transform our lives into the Christlike nature of the Son. Let us remember we are the Body of Christ growing up into Him who is the perfecter of our faith.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |