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The word love is most associated with romantic feelings, but what has to be remembered in the season of Lent when we focus on Jesus is that we are talking about agape love— sacrificial love that gives completely for another, a love that never lets go or changes. Lent becomes a time when as we draw closer to Christ and closer to one another in a love that lasts forever.
Sanctity of Life Sunday. It’s a day of reflection and advocacy, emphasizes the profound value of human life. As the cornerstone of this observance, the poignant words echo: "The Bible teaches us that in His eyes all innocent human life is to be protected.”
The journey to Jesus takes us through a journey to the cross. Laying down our all to pick up and be transformed into the likeness of Christ— His character, His love, His forgiveness, His joy.
Do you talk to God? Or Do you talk with God? Prayer is conversing with God in words, thoughts, and gestures. It marks a life with God, where we continually pay attention to God’s presence in this world and in us. Prayer builds a relationship with God as we respond to His self-giving love and mercy and to His commitment to lead us into truth.
The gift of peace is found in Jesus, enveloping our lives with profound serenity and spiritual assurance. If our desire is to live without conflict among people and lead fruitful lives in the community, it necessitates embracing the teachings of Christ, as it is within His transformative presence that true peace flourishes.
We continue in our series on Eyes of Faith: Viewing Life BIblically and focus on the sanctity of life. God wants us to choose life and right before us, we have seen the effects of war on innocent lives lost. May God restore peace and remind us that all lives are valued in His sight.
This week, we begin a new sermon and study series entitled, “Eyes of Faith: Viewing Life Biblically.” Let’s start by asking “What is your worldview?” Maybe you haven’t a clue as to what a worldview is and how it differs from a biblical worldview. Well then, you’ll want to join us as we dive into the Scriptures and see if how we view the things of the world, how we speak, how we act, how we determine our decisions are biblical— or not.
In life, we encounter moments of despair, confusion, and limitation. It is during these times that we may feel lost, spiritually blind, and unable to move forward. Yet, it is essential to remember that it is in the in-between where Jesus shows up most powerfully. He bridges the gap between our struggles and ultimate transformation. Jesus is our in between.
There are many things in this world that are clamoring for our attention. But the truth remains in the real issue— how we live our lives for Jesus. The Bible remains the believers’ guide, the place where we can find the real answer to real issues that we face each and every day so that we can be doers of the word and not only those who have heard or believed the lies the devil tries to get us to believe.
If you’re not excited about something, chances are you won’t tell many people about it. For many Christians, the excitement of the Christian walk has been dulled by everyday distractions, materialistic pursuits, and unconfessed sin. We can stay excited about our relationship with Jesus Christ and, as a result, tell more people about Him.
January 2025
Sundays at 9:00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. 835 Riverside Avenue Torrington, CT 06790 See our regathering info here PHONE (860) 482-4705 OFFICE EMAIL [email protected] |